“A year on my child has continued to perform professionally with no ongoing anxiety issues.”

My child is a professional theatre performer, and saw Dr. Anna about some difficulties with anxiety that developed during the course of a production.

Dr. Anna was able to rapidly get to the heart of the issue and begin to implement management strategies, which meant that my child was reassured from the first session that their problem was understood, and more importantly, was soluble.

She quickly established a strong rapport with my child, and was very effective at communicating in an age-appropriate manner – no psychobabble, and no talking down to children either. Her straight-talking and pragmatic approach was very empowering, because she gave my child the tools to help solve their own problems.

She had a very acute understanding of the needs of a child performer, and dealt with issues with intelligence, empathy, common sense and a refreshing dose of humour. Thanks to Dr. Anna, a year on my child has continued to perform professionally with no ongoing anxiety issues.

I really cannot recommend Dr. Anna highly enough; her help enabled my child to continue with a pastime that they derive a great deal of enjoyment and benefit from.


“Anna is an absolute life-saver.”