A unique set of challenges

Having been married to a barrister for 22 years, I understand the immense pressure and unique challenges of the Bar.

As a clinical psychologist, I recognise that so many who work in this highly stressful, demanding environment are perfectionists, with exceptionally high standards and expectations.

I was a bit of a muso growing up, with Diplomas in piano, violin and academic music. I loved performing. When I married and had four children under 5, I managed to juggle my day job as an adolescent and eating disorder psychologist with am-dram musical theatre. Then I made a fairly radical career move and left the NHS to go to drama school.

Your critical faculties are honed like no other and often turned on yourself, as well as on your opponents, and legal arguments.

These attributes make you both excel at what you do and vulnerable to significant anxiety, overwhelm and burn out.

But, it doesn't have to be that way. With the right tools, support and understanding it is possible to manage the stress, function at your highest level and enjoy what you do again.


A unique set of challenges

Having been married to a barrister for 22 years, I understand the immense pressure and unique challenges of the Bar.

As a clinical psychologist, I recognise that so many who work in this highly stressful, demanding environment are perfectionists, with exceptionally high standards and expectations.

I was a bit of a muso growing up, with Diplomas in piano, violin and academic music. I loved performing. When I married and had four children under 5, I managed to juggle my day job as an adolescent and eating disorder psychologist with am-dram musical theatre. Then I made a fairly radical career move and left the NHS to go to drama school.

Your critical faculties are honed like no other and often turned on yourself, as well as on your opponents, and legal arguments.

These attributes make you both excel at what you do and vulnerable to significant anxiety, overwhelm and burn out.

But, it doesn't have to be that way. With the right tools, support and understanding it is possible to manage the stress, function at your highest level and enjoy what you do again.

I work with:




The Institute of Barristers’ Clerks

Private coaching

I know your world, with all it peculiarities, because I live it every day. I have a deep understanding of what works at the Bar, and what doesn't. I know the unique environment in which you work.

Having to perform at your best, for long periods of time, under immense pressure can feel like walking the tightrope, trying desperately not to look down.

It's deeply challenging, especially if you don't have effective strategies for dealing with the relentless pressure and demanding schedule.

Together we will unpick what's going on in your mind and free you to function at your highest level.

"Dr. Colton is quite simply, excellent.”

Deputy Senior Clerk

Group training 

When a mental health crisis occurs in Chambers the trauma ripples throughout.

Mental health is the foundation of a successful practice. But, life at the Bar can be lonely and intense, making barristers particularly vulnerable to anxiety, perfectionism and overwhelm..

As someone who lives and works within the profession, I know what helps and hinders barristers and clerks, and how to be both proactive and reactive in protecting people from breakdown and burnout.

Clerks are on the 'front line' and perfectly positioned to spot signs of psychological distress in their barristers, and each other, and intervene early.

My bespoke training sessions for clerking teams focus on what stress is, how and why it develops, the signs and symptoms to look out for, how to have difficult conversations and the strategies that will help everyone look after their own health and wellbeing.

"Dr Anna is clearly a leading mental health practitioner and a provider of first class mental health training.”

Mark Dann, Senior Clerk

Wellbeing clinics 

Early intervention is key when it comes to managing people's mental health.

Yet barristers and clerks often don't seek help soon enough, because they don't know where to find it, or whether anyone will understand their unique world.

Removing those barriers to entry is one of the best ways to ensure the right support is accessed as early as possible.

I offer wellbeing clinics within Chambers, so barristers, clerks and staff can book in easily and confidentially, getting the support they need quickly, with minimal time wasted.

The wellbeing clinics I have run have proved popular, and beneficial for all.

"Anna brings intelligence, empathy, common sense and a refreshing dose of humour.”



When Chambers invest in the wellbeing of their people, everyone benefits.

I work closely with a number of sets of Chambers to help them write robust, comprehensive mental health policies that protect everyone.

I give talks to the Institute of Barristers Clerks and many sets of chambers on mental health and wellbeing at the Bar.

Barristers are vulnerable, but breakdowns have warning signs before they occur. You just need to know what you are looking for.

I can be 'on call’ to discuss concerns about individuals or situations as soon as they emerge, and advise upon next steps.

I help everyone understand what to look out for, and ensure members, clerks and staff have access to the support they need, so everyone can enjoy their work and protect their own mental health and wellbeing.

"Anna has a unique understanding of the challenges facing those that work at and for the bar."

Lucy Burrows, 3VB